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Re: struct question

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: struct question
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 02:11:53 -0500

I've implemented a more complete version of struct for 2.1.52
(it handles struct arrays).  Let me know if you backport it to 2.1.50.

Paul Kienzle

#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/oct-map.h>

static bool
scalar (const dim_vector& dims)
  return dims.length () == 2 && dims (0) == 1 && dims (1) == 1;

%!shared x
%! x(1).a=1; x(2).a=2; x(1).b=3; x(2).b=3;

DEFUN_DLD (struct, args, , "\
  Create a structure and initialize its value.\n\n\
  Create a structure array and initialize its values.  The dimensions\n\
of each array of values must match. Singleton cells and non-cell values\n\
  are repeated so that they fill the entire array.\n\n\
  Create an empty structure array.")
  octave_value_list retval;
  int nargin = args.length ();

  // Check that there is an even number of args
  if (nargin == 0 || nargin%2 == 1)
      print_usage ("struct");
      return retval;

  // Check that every second arg is a field name
  for (int i=0; i < nargin; i+=2)
      if (!args (i).is_string ())
          error ("struct expects alternating 'field',value pairs");
          return retval;

  // Check that the dimensions of the fields correspond
dim_vector dims (args (1).is_cell () ? args (1).dims () : dim_vector (1,1));
  // std::cout << "initial dims = " << dims.str() << std::endl;
  for (int i=3; i < nargin; i+=2)
      if (args (i).is_cell ())
          if (scalar (dims))
              dims = args (i).dims ();
// std::cout << "scalar dims, using " << dims.str() << std::endl;
              dim_vector testdim (args (i).dims ());
              if (!scalar (testdim) && dims != testdim)
                  error ("dimensions must match for all fields");
                  return retval;
//std::cout<<dims.str()<<" matches "<<testdim.str()<<std::endl;
      // else std::cout << dims.str() << " matches scalar" << std::endl;

  // Create the return value
  // Octave_map(dim_vector) doesn't exist, so emulate one using the
  // the first field name and a dummy cell array.
  Octave_map map (args (0).string_value (), Cell (dims));
  // Octave_map map;

  for (int i=0; i < nargin; i+=2)
      // Get key
      std::string key (args (i).string_value ());
      if (error_state) return retval; // error converting to string

      // Value may be v, { v }, or { v1, v2, ... }
      // In the first two cases, we need to create a cell array of
      // the appropriate dimensions filled with v.  In the last case,
      // the cell array has already been determined to be of the
      // correct dimensions.
      if (args (i+1).is_cell ())
          const Cell c (args (i+1).cell_value ());
          if (error_state) return retval; // error converting to cell
          if (scalar (c.dims ()))
              // std::cout << "struct: assigning {scalar} ";
              // c(0).print (std::cout);
              map.assign (key, Cell (dims, c (0)));
//std::cout << "assigning {vector} "; args(i+1).print(std::cout);
              map.assign (key, c);
// std::cout << "assigning scalar "; args(i+1).print(std::cout);
          map.assign (key, Cell (dims, args (i+1)));

      if (error_state) return retval; // error from assign

  return octave_value (map);

On Jan 28, 2004, at 12:34 AM, Dmitri A. Sergatskov wrote:


>> s=struct('a',1,'b',2,'c',3)

s =

    a: 1
    b: 2
    c: 3


Octave (2.1.50 + octave-forge-2003.06.02):

octave:1> s=struct('a',1,'b',2,'c',3)
error: first argument is neither struct nor string
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 34, column 3
error: called from `struct' in file `/usr/local/share/octave/2.1.50/site/m/octave-forge/struct/struct.m'
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 1, column 2

(Same thing happens if I replace single quotes with doubles)

Am I doing something wrong?

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