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Re: Derivative function

From: Miquel Cabanas
Subject: Re: Derivative function
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 19:55:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 10:45:27AM -0800, Henry F. Mollet wrote:
> I have just looked at the lecture notes by A. Scottedward Hodel on
> Introductory Controls Using the Octave Control Systems Toolbox. The example
> of the damped mass-spring system on p. 19/20 is implemented, among other
> code with the following code line:
> : pos-x'' = (1.0/mass) * (......... - pos_x) - alpha*pos_x'
> Where pos_x and first and second derivative of pos_x appear.

this code is for the MARSYAS software briefly described at the end
of p. 14 in his lecture notes.

> Question: Is the Octave Control Systems Toolbox different from Octave and
> can it be considered a symbolic math package?

no, i don't think so

> Question: if pos_x' is the derivative, how is it distinguished from the
> complex conjugate transpose operator " ' "? (Transpose operator is " .' "

the "'" is (presumably) interpreted as a derivative by MARSYAS, while
the same operand is a complex conjugate transpose for Octave


Miquel E Cabanas ------------------------------------------------------
SeRMN, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (address@hidden)

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