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Re: creating a larger window

From: Etienne Grossmann
Subject: Re: creating a larger window
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 19:08:42 +0000
User-agent: WEMI/1.13.7 (Shimada) FLIM/1.13.2 (Kasanui) Emacs/20.7 (i386-debian-linux-gnu) (with unibyte mode)


#  Hi all,

#  can anyone tell me how to tell octave that
#  I want the graph to be a certain size on the screen?

  Apart from resizing the window, I can't think of anything else than
putting in your Šþ/.Xdefaults a line like

Gnuplot*geometry:  500x300

  Replace 500x300 by whatever size you want. Then, do from the shell 

  xrdb Šþ/.Xdefaults

  Next time gnuplot is called (gnuplot is the program that does the
plotting for octave), it will do drawings in a window of the
specified. If you are already in octave and have already done some
plots, do 'closeplot'; this will kill the gnuplot process (and close
its plot windows). The next plot will be the right size. 

  I don't think you can resize gnuplot's window from the command line.



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