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Re: colors

From: Peter Gawthrop
Subject: Re: colors
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2000 15:27:23 +0000 (GMT)


        colours are confusing, as gnuplot has a different mapping from
integers to colours than ps. If it helps, I'll explain waht I do. First I
get gnuplot to produce fig output and then use fig2dev to get ps, eps, pdf
etc. You can also use xfig to chage the plot if you want. I attach an
example .m file (figfig.m)


On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, Lippert, Ross A. wrote:

> I know there are only the colors "rgbmcw" in the octave plot command.  For
> some reason
> (I guess my matlab instincts) I tried a plot(1:10,'k') and got something
> which looked black
> but when printed
> "gset term postscript color"; gset output ""
> it comes out as yellow.
> Can someone enlighten me as to what is going on here?
> Secondly, this is perhaps unrelated, but when I do "help plot" I get text
> with a bunch of
> meta-tags in it like "@example" and "@item".  This is on a recent CVS of
> 2.1.31.
> -r
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| Prof. Peter J Gawthrop           | Tel: +44 141 330 4960/2528      |
| Centre for Systems and Control & | Fax: +44 141 330 4343           |
| Dept. of Mechanical Engineering  | Room: James Watt 603            |
| University of Glasgow            | Email: address@hidden |
| GLASGOW G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK    | URL:Šþpeterg |

Attachment: figfig.m
Description: figfig.m

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