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Re: overloading

From: Dirk Laurie
Subject: Re: overloading
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:29:27 +0200

Paul Soderlind skryf:
> Hi!
> I occasionally want to use another ols.m than the one distributed with
> Octave. (I don't want to make a permanent change.) Is there an easy way to
> accomplish that ("overloading" as in MatLab or by changing the path)?
You've said it.  In my Šþ/.octaverc I have:

LOADPATH=['.:/home/dirk/octave/lib//:' LOADPATH]

So Octave looks first in my current directory; then in my library
of Octave files (.m and .oct), including subdirectories there; and
only when nothing is found, it looks in the default standard path.

With this setup, a temporary change is effected by chdir'ing to
the directory where the replacement file sits, and working from
there.  After calling it the first time, you can chdir to another
directory: Octave remembers its definition until you 'clear'.  

A semi-permanent change is effected by putting the replacement
file in the /home/dirk/octave/lib// tree.  


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