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OCST, DEMOcontrol

From: Florack Bjoern ICM CD MP GSM RD K5
Subject: OCST, DEMOcontrol
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:33:30 +0200

I'm a completely new user to octave. After having installed the version
2.0.16 by compiling the sources on a Linux system I could start octave. 
It was recommended to start DEMOcontrol for a better understanding of the
Octave Control System Toolbox. The DEMOcontrol is not present though.
There is a folder called "control" but for instance I can't find the
fir2sys(...) nor the ss2sys(....) functions. In "control" I can only find
m-files such as "abcddim", "lyap" or "tzero".
Have I missed copying some further files? I got the source-files from the

Thanks for help,
best regards Bjoern

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