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matlab-like functions
From: |
Paul Kienzle |
Subject: |
matlab-like functions |
Date: |
Tue, 11 Jul 2000 11:31:10 +0100 (BST) |
Hi! I'm compiling a package of matlab-like functions for octave. For
the moment it is at:
It already contains many of the functions submitted to octave-sources
and help-octave over the past couple of years, plus some of my own.
Thanks for all your work!
At the end of this message, I'm including a summary of the functions
available in Matlab 5.3 plus the signal and image processing toolboxes.
I've marked those I've included in matcompat.tar.gz with '+'. Those
marked with '?' exist in some form, but those marked with 'X' I haven't
found at all. Please send me any functions that I may have missed.
Many of these functions were written several times over the past few
years; let's avoid writing them again!
The quality of these functions are mixed. Some are ready now for
inclusion in Octave. Others will need some work first. Some may not
even run. Some are fully compatible with their matlab counterparts.
Others handle just the most common cases. Some are just place holders.
We need to identify those that are ready for octave, and fix those
that aren't. Let me know if you can help.
Paul Kienzle
Matlab compatibility database
X: not available in octave
+: distributed with matcompat
: distributed with octave 2.0.x
?: available elsewhere or in some other form
>> General purpose commands.
General information
help version
X helpwin helpdesk demo ver whatsnew Readme
Managing the workspace.
who whos clear load save quit
X workspace pack
Managing commands and functions.
type which
X what edit open lookfor pcode
? inmem mex
Managing the search path
X pathtool
+ addpath rmpath
Controlling the command window.
echo more diary format
Operating system commands
cd pwd dir getenv mkdir computer
X copyfile web
? delete ! dos unix vms
Debugging M-files.
X debug dbstop dbclear dbcont dbdown dbstack dbstatus dbstep dbtype dbup
X dbquit dbmex
Profiling M-files.
X profile
>> Operators.
Logical operators.
xor any all
Bitwise operators.
+ bitand bitcmp bitor bitmax bitxor bitset bitget bitshift
Set operators.
+ unique intersect setdiff setxor ismember
>> Programming language constructs.
Control flow.
if else elseif end for while break switch case otherwise try catch
Evaluation and execution.
eval feval
X evalc evalin builtin assignin run
Scripts, functions, and variables.
script function global exist
X mfilename isglobal mlock munlock mislocked
? persistent
Argument handling.
nargchk nargin nargout
X inputname
? varargin varargout
Message display.
error warning disp
X lastwarn errortrap
+ lasterr
Interactive input.
clc home input keyboard pause
>> Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation.
Elementary matrices.
zeros ones eye rand randn linspace logspace meshgrid :
+ repmat
Basic array information.
size length isempty isnumeric
+ isequal islogical logical
Matrix manipulation.
reshape diag tril triu fliplr flipud kron rot90 find
X flipdim
+ blkdiag sub2ind ind2sub
Special variables and constants.
ans eps realmax realmin pi i, inf NaN isnan isinf isfinite
X flops why
Specialized matrices.
compan hankel hilb invhilb toeplitz vander
X gallery
? hadamard
+ magic pascal rosser wilkinson
>> Elementary math functions.
sin sinh asin asinh cos cosh acos acosh tan tanh atan atan2 atanh sec
sech asec asech csc csch acsc acsch cot coth acot acoth
exp log log10 log2 pow2 sqrt nextpow2 Complex. abs angle conj imag real
+ complex unwrap isreal cplxpair
Rounding and remainder.
fix floor ceil round rem sign
+ mod
>> Specialized math functions.
Specialized math functions.
airy besselj bessely besselh besseli besselk beta betainc erf erfc
erfinv gamma gammainc cross
X betaln erfcx
? expint
+ ellipj ellipke gammaln legendre
Number theoretic functions.
gcd lcm
X rat rats perms nchoosek
+ factor isprime primes factorial
Coordinate transforms.
+ cart2sph cart2pol pol2cart sph2cart
>> Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra.
Matrix analysis
norm rank det trace null orth
X subspace
+ rref
Linear equations
\ inv cond chol lu qr pinv
X lsqnonneg lscov
Eigenvalues and singular values.
eig svd hess qz schur
X polyeig condeig
+ gsvd
Matrix functions.
expm logm sqrtm
X funm
Factorization utilities
X qrdelete qrinsert rsf2csf cdf2rdf planerot cholupdate qrupdate
>> Data analysis and Fourier transforms.
Basic operations.
max min mean median std var sort sum prod hist cumsum cumprod
X histc
+ sortrows trapz cumtrapz
Finite differences.
+ gradient del2
corrcoef cov
Filtering and convolution.
filter conv deconv detrend
X convn
+ filter2 conv2
Fourier transforms.
fft fft2 ifft ifft2 fftshift
X fftn ifftn ifftshift
Sound and audio.
X speak soundcap
? recordsound
+ sound soundsc mu2lin lin2mu
Audio file inport/export.
X readsnd writesnd
? auwrite auread wavwrite wavread
>> Interpolation and polynomials.
Data interpolation.
X interp1q interpft interp3 interpn
? interp2
+ interp1 griddata
Spline interpolation.
X ppval
+ spline
Geometric analysis.
X dsearch voronoi rectint
? convhull inpolygon
+ delaunay tsearch polyarea
roots poly polyval polyvalm residue polyfit polyder
>> Function functions and ODE solvers.
Optimization and root finding.
X fminbnd fminsearch by fzero
Optimization Option handling
X optimset optimget
Numerical integration (quadrature).
? quad8 dblquad
X ezplot
? fplot
Inline function object.
X argnames formula vectorize
? inline char
Ordinary differential equation solvers.
X ode113 ode23t ode15s ode23s ode23tb odefile
+ ode45 ode23
ODE Option handling.
X odeset odeget
ODE output functions.
X odeplot odephas2 odephas3 odeprint
>> Sparse matrices.
Elementary sparse matrices.
X speye sprand sprandn sprandsym spdiags
Full to sparse conversion.
X spconvert
? sparse full find
Working with sparse matrices.
X nonzeros nzmax spones spalloc issparse
? nnz spfun spy
Reordering algorithms.
X colmmd symmmd symrcm colperm dmperm
+ randperm
Linear algebra.
X eigs svds luinc cholinc normest condest sprank
Linear Equations (iterative methods).
X pcg bicg bicgstab cgs gmres qmr
Operations on graphs (trees).
X treelayout treeplot etree etreeplot gplot
X symbfact spparms spaugment
>> Two dimensional graphs.
Elementary X-Y graphs.
plot loglog semilogx semilogy polar
X plotyy
>> Three dimensional graphs.
Elementary 3-D plots.
+ fill3 plot3 surf
Color control.
X caxis shading hidden colordef graymon
+ brighten
X surfl lighting material specular diffuse surfnorm
Color maps.
X lines colorcube vga contrast
+ hsv hot bone copper pink white flag jet prism cool autumn spring winter
+ summer
Viewpoint control.
X viewmtx rotate3d
+ view
Camera control.
X campos camtarget camva camup camproj
High level camera control.
X camorbit campan camdolly camzoom camroll camlookat cameramenu
High level light control.
X camlight lightangle
>> Specialized graphs.
Specialized 2-D graphs.
bar stairs
X area barh bar3 bar3h comet errorbar ezpolar feather pareto pie3
X plotmatrix ribbon scatter
+ fill pie stem
Contour and 2-1/2 D graphs.
X contourf contour3 clabel ezcontour ezcontourf
? pcolor
Specialized 3-D graphs.
X comet3 ezgraph3 ezmesh ezmeshc ezplot3 ezsurf ezsurfc meshc meshz
X scatter3 stem3 surfc trisurf trimesh waterfall
Volume and vector visualization.
X vissuite isosurface isonormals isocaps contourslice slice streamline
X stream3 stream2 quiver3 coneplot subvolume reducevolume smooth3
X reducepatch shrinkfaces
+ quiver
Movies and animation.
X capture moviein getframe movie qtwrite rotate frame2im im2frame
Color related functions.
X spinmap rgbplot colstyle
Solid modeling.
X cylinder sphere surf2patch
+ patch
>> Handle Graphics.
Figure window creation and control.
figure shg
X gcf close
? refresh
+ clf
Axis creation and control.
axis grid hold ishold subplot
X zoom box axes gca cla daspect pbaspect xlim ylim zlim
Graph annotation.
title xlabel ylabel zlabel
X legend colorbar texlabel plotedit
+ text gtext
Handle Graphics objects.
X line rectangle surface light
Handle Graphics operations.
X set get reset delete gco gcbo gcbf drawnow findobj copyobj isappdata
X getappdata setappdata rmappdata
Hardcopy and printing.
X printopt orient
? vrml
+ print
X closereq newplot ishandle
ActiveX Client Functions (PC Only).
X actxcontrol actxserver
>> Graphical user interface tools.
GUI functions.
X uicontrol uicontextmenu dragrect rbbox selectmoveresize
X waitforbuttonpress waitfor uiwait uiresume uistack uisuspend uirestore
? ginput
GUI design tools.
X guide align cbedit menuedit propedit
Dialog boxes.
X dialog axlimdlg errordlg helpdlg inputdlg listdlg menu msgbox questdlg
X warndlg uigetfile uiputfile uisetcolor uisetfont pagedlg pagesetupdlg
X printdlg waitbar printpreview
Menu utilities.
X makemenu menubar umtoggle winmenu
Toolbar button group utilities.
X btngroup btnstate btnpress btndown btnup
X addpref getpref rmpref setpref
Miscellaneous utilities.
X allchild findall hidegui edtext findfigs getstatus setstatus popupstr
X remapfig setptr getptr overobj uiclearmode
>> Character strings.
blanks deblank
X cellstr
? char
+ double
String tests.
isletter isspace
X iscellstr
? ischar
String operations.
strcat strcmp findstr strrep upper lower
X strncmp strcmpi strncmpi strmatch
? strvcat
+ strjust strtok
String to number conversion.
num2str int2str str2num sprintf sscanf
X str2double
+ mat2str
Base number conversion.
hex2dec dec2hex bin2dec dec2bin
X hex2num
+ base2dec dec2base
>> File input/output.
File opening and closing.
fopen fclose
Binary file I/O.
fread fwrite
Formatted file I/O.
textread fscanf fgetl fgets fprintf
File positioning.
ferror feof fseek ftell frewind
File name handling
X matlabroot filesep pathsep mexext partialpath tempdir prefdir
? fileparts tempname
+ fullfile
File import/export functions.
X dlmread dlmwrite wk1read wk1write
HDF library interface help.
? hdf
X hdfan hdfdf24 hdfdfr8 hdfh hdfhd hdfhe hdfml hdfsd hdfv hdfvf hdfvh hdfvs
HDF-EOS library interface help.
X hdfgd hdfpt hdfsw
FIG file support for plotedit and printframes.
X hgload hgsave
X str2rng wk1const wk1wrec
Obsolete functions.
X csvread csvwrite
>> Time and dates.
Current date and time.
date clock
X now
Basic functions.
X datenum datevec
+ datestr
Date functions.
X calendar weekday eomday
? datetick
Timing functions.
cputime tic toc etime
>> Data types and structures.
Data types (classes)
X single uint8 uint16 uint32 int8 int16 int32
Multi-dimensional array functions.
X cat ndims ndgrid permute ipermute shiftdim squeeze
Cell array functions.
X cell cellfun celldisp cellplot num2cell cell2struct struct2cell iscell
+ deal
Structure functions.
+ struct fieldnames getfield setfield rmfield isfield isstruct
Object oriented programming functions.
X class struct methods isa isobject inferiorto superiorto substruct
Overloadable operators.
X minus plus times mtimes mldivide mrdivide rdivide ldivide power mpower
X uminus uplus horzcat vertcat le lt gt ge eq ne not and or subsasgn
X subsref colon end transpose ctranspose subsindex loadobj saveobj display
>> Image processing toolbox
Image Display
X getimage immovie montage subimage truesize warp
+ image imagesc
Image File I/O
X imfinfo
? imread imwrite
Geometric Operations
X imcrop imrotate
? imresize
Pixel Values and Statistics
X imcontour imfeature impixel improfile mean2 pixval std2
+ corr2 imhist
Image Analysis
X edge qtdecomp qtgetblk qtsetblk
Image Enhancement
X histeq imnoise wiener2
+ imadjust
? medfilt2 ordfilt2
Linear Filtering
X convmtx2 fspecial
Linear 2-D Filter Design
X freqz2 fsamp2 ftrans2 fwind1 fwind2
Image Transforms
X dctmtx iradon phantom radon
+ dct2 idct2
Neighborhood and Block Processing
X bestblk blkproc col2im colfilt im2col nlfilter
Binary Image Operations
X applylut bwarea bweuler bwfill bwperim bwselect dilate erode makelut
+ bwlabel bwmorph
Region-Based Processing
X roicolor roifill roifilt2 roipoly
Colormap Manipulation
X cmpermute cmunique imapprox
Color Space Conversions
X ntsc2rgb rgb2ntsc rgb2ycbcr ycbcr2rgb
+ hsv2rgb rgb2hsv
Image Types and Type Conversions
ind2rgb rgb2ind
X dither grayslice im2double im2uint8 im2uint16 isrgb
+ gray2ind im2bw ind2gray isbw isgray isind mat2gray rgb2gray
Toolbox Preferences
X iptgetpref iptsetpref
X dctdemo edgedemo firdemo imadjdemo nrfiltdemo qtdemo roidemo
Slide Shows
X ipss001 ipss002 ipss003
>> Signal Processing Toolbox
Waveform Generation and Plotting
X diric gauspuls sawtooth square strips tripuls
+ chirp pulstran rectpuls
Filter Analysis and Implementation
fftfilt freqz
X filtic freqs freqspace latcfilt sosfilt
+ filtfilt grpdelay impz sgolayfilt zplane
Linear System Transformations
X ac2poly ac2rc convmtx latc2tf
Filter Analysis and Implementation
ss2tf ss2zp tf2ss tf2zp zp2ss zp2tf
X poly2ac poly2rc rc2ac rc2poly residuez sos2ss sos2tf sos2zp ss2sos
X tf2latc tf2sos zp2sos
IIR Filter Design - Classical and Direct
X besself ellip maxflat yulewalk
+ butter cheby1 cheby2
IIR Filter Order Selection
X cheb1ord cheb2ord ellipord
+ buttord
FIR Filter Design
X cremez fircls fircls1 firls firrcos intfilt kaiserord remezord sgolay
+ fir1 fir2 remez
X dftmtx
+ czt dct hilbert idct
Statistical Signal Processing
X pcov pmcov pmtm
? pmusic
+ cohere csd pburg pwelch pyulear tfe xcorr xcorr2 xcov
bartlett blackman hamming hanning
X chebwin
+ boxcar kaiser triang
Parametric Modeling
X invfreqs invfreqz lpc rlevinson stmcb
? arcov armcov prony
+ arburg aryule levinson
Specialized Operations
X buffer cceps demod dpss dpssclear dpssdir dpssload dpsssave icceps
X modulate polystab upfirdn vco
+ decimate interp medfilt1 rceps resample specgram
Analog Prototype Design
X besselap ellipap
? buttap cheb1ap cheb2ap
Frequency Translation
? lp2bp lp2bs lp2hp lp2lp
Filter Discretization
X impinvar
+ bilinear
Interactive Tools
X sptool
>> System Identification Toolbox
Simulation and Prediction
+ idsim mktheta poly2th
Model Presentation
+ idplot
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- matlab-like functions,
Paul Kienzle <=