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Re: GUI & octave

From: Matteo Bettella
Subject: Re: GUI & octave
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 14:36:36 +0100 (BST)

This is my way of using gui with octave and tcl/tk.
You can find attached an example.
The octave file runs a tcl script with popen2.
The tcl file sends command strings to octave that 
performs the required task.
I've only tried this on my computer, so it is 
completely untested...

        Matteo Bettella

        School of Mechanical Engineering
        Automotive Engineering Group
        Cranfield University
        Cranfield - Beds
        MK43 0AL

        Tel.: (00)44-(0)1234-754652
        E-mail: address@hidden

On Mon, 29 May 2000, Stef Pillaert wrote:

> Hello,
> is it possible to use octave in some kind of GUI? I would like to pop up a
> window (from within octave?), with buttons on it, that can activate several
> octave functions (in the same octave-session ). Someone tried something like
> this? Can glade be used for this?
> I would be very gratefull if someone can point me in a direction with more 
> info
> on this.
> Thanks,
> Stef.

Attachment: simple_gui.tar
Description: Binary data

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