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sort index ordering

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: sort index ordering
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 19:41:21 -0500 (CDT)

On  7-May-2000, Paul Kienzle <address@hidden> wrote:

| Hi! Does anyone know if sort is guaranteed to preserve relative index
| order for identical sort values? 
| E.g.,
|       octave> [s,idx]=sort([1,2,3,1])
|       s =
|         1  1  2  3
|       idx =
|         1  4  2  3
|       ^^^^^^^
| The values in idx are increasing when the values in s are the same.  It
| is true for the cases I've checked, but I want to be sure that it is
| true in all cases, and that this characteristic will be preserved even
| if the sort algorithm is changed.

Yes, I want Octave's sort algorithm to be stable, which is why Octave
uses algorithm 5.2.4L from Knuth, Volume 3 (noted in the comments for instead of something quick and simple like qsort from the C
library, which is not guaranteed to be stable.

I'm not sure if Matlab guarantees that its sort algorithm is stable,
but I believe that it appeared to be when I checked (several years ago


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