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Re: matrix-vector-op class ?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: matrix-vector-op class ?
Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000 17:29:47 -0500 (CDT)

On  6-Apr-2000, Paul Kienzle <address@hidden> wrote:

| Why not just stick with the ".*" operator?  It is a natural extension
| since scalar .* matrix multiplies each element by that scalar, 
| vector .* matrix multiplies each row/column (depending on shape) by
| that vector, and matrix .* matrix multiplies each element-wise.  Shape
| must match in 0, 1 or 2 dimensions, and be of length 1 in the remaining
| dimensions.

OK, this has been discussed some before, but is still not
implemented even though it is something that even I would like to
have.  So, if we can agree on semantics for the operators, I think I
could implement it reasonably soon.

I'm assuming that we can agree that the `dot' operators are acceptible
for this purpose.  So we want to be able to write (for example)

  v .* M


  M .* v

to scale the rows (or columns) of a matrix M by the values in a vector
v, assuming that the length of v is consistent with the number of rows
(or columns) of M.

How should we decide whether the rows or columns are to be scaled?

A simple definition would be that

  v .* M  ==  diag (v) * M  (row scaling)
  M .* v  ==  M * diag (v)  (column scaling)

I like this because it is consistent and easy to describe.  It is also
easy to tell from the code what is being scaled just by knowing that v
is a vector and M is a matrix.

I have also thought about allowing row or column scaling based on the
orientation of the vector.  Then v .* M or M .* v could do either
operation, depending on the orientation of v.  My idea is that if v
is a column vector, it scales the rows and if it is a row vector it
scales the columns.

The justification for using a column vector to do row scaling is that
it is easy for me to visualize:

  [1]    [1 2]    [1   2]
  [2] .* [4 5] => [8  10]
  [3]    [7 8]    [21 24]

Similarly for column scaling by a row vector (just slide the row
vector above or below the matrix).

I expect to extend the meanings of the operators .+, .-, and ./ in
addition to the .* operator.  Someone once suggested that it might
also make sense to have .== or .!= operators that work in a similar
way, but I'm not sure how useful that would be.




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