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Re: left margin of subplots

From: Thomas Walter
Subject: Re: left margin of subplots
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000 14:56:09 +0200

>>>>> "Matz" == Matz Katja (K5/ESK5) <address@hidden> writes:

    Matz> thanks! I am still using octave2.0.14. and had a look at the octave 
info and
    Matz> gnuplot internet reference. But I could not find this set command. 
Are there
    Matz> more complete references somewhere to have a look at ?

As far as I know the internet docs of gnuplot are very old.  Download
at least 'gnuplot-3.7.1.tar.gz' or and equvalent binary archive and
read better print out and read the manual of gnuplot.
I strongly suggest to download the tar-ball because then you have the
large set of gnuplot demos too.


Warum hat eine Leiterbahn keine 90 Grad Winkel sondern 2 mal 45 Grad?
Weil die Elektronen sonst immer gegen die Wand laufen 8-)))

Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
Egerlandstr. 3                          Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
91058 Erlangen, Germany                 email: address@hidden

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