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"gnuplot_binary" under Win98

From: Lukas Richterek
Subject: "gnuplot_binary" under Win98
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 17:26:25 +0100 (CET)

Dear octave specialists,

I have a problem with running octave under Win98.

Octave can't find gnuplot binary. In instalation manual is wriiten,
that I should set environmental variable gnuplot_binary as "pipe-gnuplot
...path". But in what file it should be set?

Thanks a lot for any hints,

Lukas Richterek

Department of Theoretical Physics | tel.:+420-68-5222451, ext. 372
Fac. Nat. Sciences,               | fax :+420-68-5225737  
Palacky University                | e-mail: address@hidden 
Svobody 26, Olomouc, CZ-771 46    | 
C z e c h   R e p u b l i c       |       /|||\  ( o|o ) 
----------------------------------------  \ - / ------------------ 

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