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Re: need help to print colorly on postscript printer

From: Joao Cardoso
Subject: Re: need help to print colorly on postscript printer
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2000 23:24:20 +0000

Shih Lin wrote:
> Dear Joao or any octave expert:
>    I fist copy Ted Harding's 98 Aug 16's mailing 's print.m and screen.m
> script and follow his example, it generate Fig1.eps in my directory, then I
> can using lpr Fig1.eps to print it out on my color printer but only shown
> black and white.
>    Then I copied your script print_plot, modify monochrome to color, change
> lp ro lpr and lift dependent to last line's end.
>    But when I print_plot("Fig1.eps", "P"); /* follow Ted's example shown in
> mailing list */
> in octave, my printer immediately print, but still print white and black, I
> set my printer's
> driver as postscript, and test some webpage of it can shown color, like the
> main page of
> it print the curve plot exactly as what I saw on web screen, but the color
> highlight of hyperlink, did not shown light blue color as what I saw, just
> print white and black.

I am not shure if I understand you, so please clarify:

1-Can you print in color from other programs?

2-Is your printer a true postscript printer or a ghostscript ('gs')
driven color printer? (Look at the price--color postscript printers are
expensive. Tell us the printer model)

3-If you have 'gv', 'ghostscript' or even 'gs', can you see your
"Fig1.eps" in color in your display? try 'gs Fig1.eps'.

3-When you say that your printer plots in black in white, is it trully
B&W or does it appear to have several grades of gray? Try plotting
several lines of diferent colors 'plot(rand(2,8))'.


>    Do you know how to make it plot to color as what I see on screen?
> address@hidden
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