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memory problem

From: Daniel Heiserer
Subject: memory problem
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2000 16:19:14 +0100


I tried my new "vectorizing-option":
Unfortunately I got a memory problem:
The machine has enough memory to keep everything in core.

My limits on the machine are:

cputime         unlimited
filesize        unlimited
datasize        unlimited
stacksize       524288 kbytes
coredumpsize    unlimited
memoryuse       524288 kbytes
vmemoryuse      unlimited
descriptors     200 

The machine has sufficient memory to process my request.

octave:2> tic;eval(sprintf("L_%08d=eye(1000);",[1:1000]));toc
error: memory exhausted -- trying to return to prompt

 wd   matrix             1000   1000  L_00000232
 wd   matrix             1000   1000  L_00000233

==> octave could create only 233 matrizes.

In matlab it works fine. See below.

I had an experience with fortran before, 
where I had a memory limitation inside
a subroutine, but defining everything as 
a common block it worked. Maybe that is
a hint ..........

>> tic;eval(sprintf('L_%08d=eye(1000);',[1:1000]));toc

elapsed_time =


  L_00000999    1000x1000     8000000  double array
  L_00001000    1000x1000     8000000  double array

Grand total is 1000000000 elements using 8000000000 bytes

Thanks Daniel

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