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Re: perlTK

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: perlTK
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 21:14:36 -0600 (CST)

On 31-Jan-2000, Joao Cardoso <address@hidden> wrote:

| Couldn't Octave have a function to do it? Something like
|    on_idle("user function","user data")

Sure, I've appended a solution.

If your user function waits for and processes one GUI event at a
time, then you will also need something like

  void do_nothing (ClientData data, int i) { }


  Tk_CreateFileHandler (0, TK_READABLE, do_nothing, 0);

which sets up a function to be called whenever there is input waiting
on stdin.  By doing nothing, you force an event to happen and be
processed, then user function can return so that Octave (readline)
can process the next character(s) on the input stream.

I'm not really sure that the following function buys you much unless
you also write a DEFUN for your GUI's equivalent of

  Tcl_DoOneEvent (TCL_ALL_EVENTS);

so that it can be called from your user function.  In any case, it
would be more efficient to do it all in C/C++.

Also, my use of Tcl/Tk here should not be taken as an endorsement from
me for Tcl/Tk, or any indication that I plan to use Tcl/Tk with
Octave.  I just happened to have the Tcl/Tk and readline example
available.  You should be able to do similar things with other GUI


RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/octave/src/,v
retrieving revision 1.125
diff -c -r1.125
***    2000/01/27 23:30:46     1.125
---    2000/01/31 03:06:06
*** 880,885 ****
--- 880,956 ----
    return retval;
+ static string hook_fcn;
+ static octave_value user_data;
+ static int
+ input_event_hook (...)
+ {
+   if (user_data.is_defined ())
+     feval (hook_fcn, user_data, 0);
+   else
+     feval (hook_fcn, octave_value_list (), 0);
+   return 0;
+ }
+ DEFUN (input_event_hook, args, ,
+   "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
+ @deftypefn {Built-in Function} address@hidden, @var{odata}] =} 
input_event_hook (@var{fcn}, @var{data})\n\
+ Given the name of a function as a string and any Octave value object,\n\
+ install @var{fcn} as a function to call periodically, when Octave is\n\
+ waiting for input.  The function should have the form\n\
+ @example\n\
+ @var{fcn} (@var{data})\n\
+ @end example\n\
+ \n\
+ If @var{data} is omitted, Octave calls the function without any\n\
+ arguments.  If both @var{fcn} and @var{data} are omitted, Octave\n\
+ clears the hook.  In all cases, the name of the previous hook function\n\
+ and the user data are returned.\n\
+ @end deftypefn")
+ {
+   octave_value_list retval;
+   int nargin = args.length ();
+   if (nargin > 2)
+     print_usage ("input_event_hook");
+   else
+     {
+       octave_value tmp_user_data;
+       string tmp_hook_fcn;
+       if (nargin > 1)
+       tmp_user_data = args(1);
+       if (nargin > 0)
+       {
+         tmp_hook_fcn = args(0).string_value ();
+         if (error_state)
+           {
+             error ("input_event_hook: expecting string as first arg");
+             return retval;
+           }
+         command_editor::set_event_hook (input_event_hook);
+       }
+       if (nargin == 0)
+       command_editor::set_event_hook (0);
+       retval(1) = user_data;
+       retval(0) = hook_fcn;
+       hook_fcn = tmp_hook_fcn;
+       user_data = tmp_user_data;
+     }
+   return retval;
+ }
  static int
  ps1 (void)

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