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problem with system

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: problem with system
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 03:00:21 -0600 (CST)

On 28-Jan-2000, Martin Buenner <address@hidden> wrote:

| inside octave I need to start a shell-script and to control its exit
| code. Currently, I am using 'system()' similar to 
|   [out,stat]=system('program');
|   if stat,error('theres a problem');endif 
| Unfortunately, from time to time 'stat' is not zero even if the script
| has exited correctly. 
| If I run the following code i.e. for testing
|   N=0;for i=1:1000,[out,stat]=system('ls');if stat,N++,endif;endfor 
| the result will be N=(80-100).
| What's the problem?

I can't seem to reproduce this problem using Octave 2.0.15 or the
current development sources on a system running Linux, or with 2.0.15
on a system running Digital Unix.

What version of Octave are you using, and on what kind of system?

BTW, if you think you've found a bug in Octave, it is better to submit
a complete bug report to the bug-octave mailing list.



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