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Re: follow a simple Matlab program but not work on octave2.0.14

From: Ben Sapp
Subject: Re: follow a simple Matlab program but not work on octave2.0.14
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 08:33:08 -0700

eric wrote:
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> %VECROT Animation program which shows a rotating vector
> % defined as a complex number
> f = 50;         % frequency, Hz
> omega = 2*pi*f;         % angular frequency, rad/s
> tmax = 1/50;      % time for a complete rotation, s
> time = [ ];
> motion = [ ];
>      axis('square')

Simply remove the above line and it will work in Octave.   

>      axis([-1 1 -1 1])
> for t=0: tmax/36: tmax
>      z = exp(i*omega*t);   %complex number description
>      x = real(z);          % Cartesian projections
>      y = imag(z);
>      time = [ time t];
>      motion = [motion y];
>      plot([0, x], [0, y])
>      pause(1.0)
> end

Ben Sapp                         Los Alamos National Laboratory
email: <mailto:address@hidden>   Phone: (505)667-3277
Fax:   (505)665-7920             URL:

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