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ASCII file, "NaN", GnuPlot discontinuity

From: Vivek Shanmuganathan \(95410006-BS\)
Subject: ASCII file, "NaN", GnuPlot discontinuity
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 22:02:48 +0530 (IST)

Was: Re: load ASCII file with "NaN"

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Andy Jacobson wrote:

>       Matlab, for instance, recognizes the string "NaN" for such
>       "load" commands, i.e., test = [1 2 NaN 3].

Even Octave accepts

        x = [ 1 2 NaN 3]
        save "test.dat" x

Save is successful.
However, load -f "test.dat" fails!

Btw, can we somehow have Octave/Gnuplot interface to treat Nan elements in
a vector as discontinuity (equivalent of blank rows of gnuplot input
files)? Presently, one has to make several calls to plot with hold("on")
or call plot() with many sets of arguments. I find it a bit cumbersome.


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