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ode integrator suite - v1.0

From: Marc Compere
Subject: ode integrator suite - v1.0
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 13:31:40 -0500

Octave users,

        Recently I've developed a suite of 6 explicit Runge-Kutta ode
integrators.  They are similar in functionality to octave's built-in
lsode() function.  There are 3 fixed-step integrators and 3
variable-step integrators.  All (explicit RK) integrators are
single-step methods. 

- ode23.m : variable step, 2nd-3rd order, Runge-Kutta, single-step
- ode45.m : variable step, 4th-5th order, Runge-Kutta, single-step
- ode78.m : variable step, 7th-8th order, Runge-Kutta, single-step

- rk2fixed.m : fixed step, 2nd order, Runge-Kutta, single-step method
- rk4fixed.m : fixed step, 4th order, Runge-Kutta, single-step method
- rk8fixed.m : fixed step, 8th order, Runge-Kutta, single-step method

- pendulum.m : a sample m-file script that runs all solvers
- penddot.m  : derivative function file, returning dy/dt for a simple

        You are welcome to use, modify, and redistribute these as you wish, but
please retain the original author's name(s).

        Single files or the whole group of them can be found at:

        All m-files have also been sent to source-octave which means
they can also be found at:

        Please send corrections or comments to address@hidden

Best regards,
Marc Compere

Marc Compere, The University of Texas at Austin
e-mail: address@hidden
www   :
office: ETC 4.134a, (512) 471-7347

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