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Re: WIN 98 /NT installation questions

From: h h
Subject: Re: WIN 98 /NT installation questions
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 10:54:49 -0700 (PDT)

--- h h <address@hidden> wrote:
> Thanks to Dirk who cleared a lot of things for me. 
> There is one problem though: In octave, I can only
> do "dir or ls" once.
> After that, it just hangs. This might be a cygnus
> problem and I am
> downloading B20.1 to see if it works.
> Thanks.
> hh

Just to follow up on my previous post. The octave binary availabe at
the Octave home ftp site requires cygnus B19. B20.1 did not help my
win98 problem. I then tried the octave binary and cygnus B19 on a NT
4.0 box with sp4, it worked without any problem (so far). It looks my
win98 box is somewhat corrupt (I have some minor problems for other
programs running on it).  


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