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y2 plot from octave

From: Stephen Eglen
Subject: y2 plot from octave
Date: Sat, 7 Aug 1999 20:45:15 +0100 (BST)

> Hi in gnuplot, there are a number of commands for 2D plots with two
> y axes (y2data, y2label, etc.) Does anybody know how to use this
> feature from octave?? (if possible, a small example code, please).

the following should work (at least with gnuplot 3.7)

will plot f(x) = x and f(x) = x^2

arr = [x; x; x.^2]';
gset y2tics on
gset ylabel "y=x"; gset y2label "y=x^2"
gplot arr using 1:2, arr using 1:3 axes x1y2

Cheers, Stephen

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