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Re: argv() problem with Octave 2.1.14

From: Wonkoo Kim
Subject: Re: argv() problem with Octave 2.1.14
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 13:51:13 -0400

Klaus Gebhardt wrote:
>  >  datafile = sprintf ("%s", argv(1,:))
> In Octave 2.1.14 the variable 'argv' is a list. To access the the elements
> in  the list you must use the function 'nth'. So the above line must be
> changed:
>   datafile = sprintf ("%s", nth (argv, 1))

Thanks!  This worked.  Octave 2.1.14 is now perfect for me.

BTW, docs for 2.1.14 has the old usage of argv:

octave.i01:       printf (" %s", argv(i));
octave.i02:       printf (" %s", argv(i,:));
(Also, in OS/2 INF file.)

So, should these be corrected?

Thank you very much.

// Wonkoo Kim <address@hidden> ('+' may be dropped in my addr.)

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