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Re: genetic_algorithm

From: Daniel Heiserer
Subject: Re: genetic_algorithm
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1999 12:15:59 +0200

address@hidden wrote:
> Hello !
> I'm trying to use genetic_algorithm package posted by Daniel Heiserer, but 
> there are some
> problems. After starting demo.m an error message appeared when using flip.m. 
> The problem
> seems to appear in the following part of the program:
> ind = find(rand(nr,nc) <= pr);
> if ~isempty(ind)
>         str(ind) = ones(length(ind),1);
>  end
> AFAIK, it creates a random matrix ind of size (nr,nc), but I don't get the <= 
> pr part.
> After that it looks that ind is used as vector (I could be wrong of course). 
> If I try
> to use an option str(ind,1) it works, but only the first bit is set to one - 
> and I guess
> the size and place of ones should be random.

Here I am. ;-)

The toolbox was a "first" release, because of many questions concerning
optimization and GA.
I have no answer right no, but use my octave rc file, then it might
I will look into the problem later.

Bye     daniel

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octave:1> demo
running ga on the hills-function
[XLB X0 XUB]  -3   0   3
  -3   0   3
Maximum number of iterations is  20.
   0.0019496   3.1814172  14.8729820
Yhist = -18.969
   5.6464e-05   5.0481e+00   1.8969e+01
Yhist =

and so on .....
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implicit_str_to_num_ok = 1;

Mit freundlichen Gruessen
                                 Daniel Heiserer
Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Heiserer, BMW AG, Knorrstrasse 147, 80788 Muenchen
Abteilung EK-20
Tel.: 089-382-21187, Fax.: 089-382-42820

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