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Re: Matlab vs Octave

From: Frederic Gobry
Subject: Re: Matlab vs Octave
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:43:51 +0200

> After that, this function is used in ga program:
> bxtX= ga([0 10: 0  -10], 'gaDemo1Eval')
> It seems to be calling the evaluation function. Does anybody know how to
> translate that to Octave ?

So far, nothing special occured, as the parameter to ga () is the name (as a
normal string) of the function. Inside ga () you probably have a feval ()
function. To call a function whose name is stored in funcname, you can write
something like :

function ga (argument, funcname)

feval (funcname, argument);


If you have a variable number of additional arguments for the subfunction,
you can try :

function ga (argument1, funcname, ...)

feval (funcname, argument, all_va_args);


Then, ga (1, 'gronf', 2, 3) will call gronf (1, 2, 3)

Hope this helps,

    Frédéric GOBRY                  IDIAP
                               Rue du Simplon 4,
  Research Assistant          CH 1920 - Martigny
Machine Learning Group      Tel: +41 27 721 77 31

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