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RE: gnuplot again

From: Ted Harding
Subject: RE: gnuplot again
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 10:19:07 +0100 (BST)

On 23-Jun-99 Daniel Heiserer wrote:
> Hi,
> I posted a message yesterday or so and I didn't get any answer,
> which is quite unusual. :-)
> Maybe the mail got lost.
> So I try again:
> Is gnuplot able to plot a filled object like
> a triangle or a quad (shading)?
> Or is gnuplot only able to plot lines (wireframe)?

As far as I know, gnuplot is still only able to construct figures by
drawing lines, i.e. it has no concept of a closed region. Therefore
it cannot fill a region.

However, I have a recollection of recently seeing messages on the gnuplot
developers list to the effect that development of code to construct closed
regions is under way, precisely with the objective of being able to fill
areas. But, as far as I know, this is still a 'twinkle in the eye'.

Mabe others are more up-to-date on this than I am ... ?

Best wishes,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <address@hidden>
Date: 23-Jun-99                                       Time: 10:19:07
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