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Building octave 2.0.14

From: Steven N. Harp
Subject: Building octave 2.0.14
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:11:09 -0400

All,  I am having trouble building octave 2.0.14 on my Solaris 2.6 machine. After sending e-mail to octave-testers and talking with my sys admin buddies The problem is with  building the readline section as you build octave and the problem is with my set up NOT what is in octave. One of the suggestion I was given was to use a copy/version of readline that is already built on the system. Is there an easy way to do this? For example

./configure --readlinesrc==myreadline



                        Steven Harp, address@hidden       
        Applied Research Laboratory/The Pennsylvania State University
                        Office  (814) - 865 - 3021
                        Fax     (814) - 863 - 7841
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