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Octave on MkLinux

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Octave on MkLinux
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 15:39:27 -0500

Ernie Rothman and I have ported Octave onto MachTen Unix, v 4.1, on
PowerPC Macintosh systems.  Unfortunately, the most recent  version of
MachTen Unix will not compile Octave, due to an apparent fault in their
port of the g77 compiler.  While I hate to give up running MacOS and
Unix simultaneously, I'm considering running Octave under MkLinux

Does anyone on the list have experience with MkLinux on PowerPC/Powerbook
G3's?  In particular, 
- Does Octave compile/run o.k. in this environment?
- Can shared libraries (.oct files) be used?

Please reply to help-octave so that the response will be stored in
the archive.


A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (256) 544-1426
Address until 15 Mar 2000:Mail Code ED-13, MSFC, Alabama, 35812

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