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Re: fscanf

From: Joao Cardoso
Subject: Re: fscanf
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 16:42:15 +0100

Thomas Walter wrote:
> Hello,
> is it only me who has problems with 'fscanf' and friends?
> I have measured data in a data file written as ASCII, i.e.:
>         10  123.4
>         20  234.5
>         30  345.6
>         40  456.7
>         50  567.8
>         60  678.9
> This is data in one line belongs together.  In this case I have 2
> columns and the number of lines/rows is unknown, bu defined by EOF.
> If I read the data with this knowledge I always jump into the same
> pit.  The 'fscanf' function wants lines and colomuns in the opposited
> order.
> Apart from that the matrix I get has the size 2x6, this means:
>         10 20 30 40 50 60
>         123.4 234.5 345.6 456.7 567.8 678.9
> Is this behaviour only strange for me?

Could you include your fscanf command? That's hard to figure out what is
happening without it... have you read the online help about fscanf?

Joao Cardoso                |   e-mail: address@hidden
INESC, R. Jose Falcao 110   |   tel:    + 351 2 2094322
4050 Porto, Portugal        |   fax:    + 351 2 2008487

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