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[Fwd: Patch: `>>' can't read what `<<' produced: NaNs and Inf]

From: Joao Cardoso
Subject: [Fwd: Patch: `>>' can't read what `<<' produced: NaNs and Inf]
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 02:34:02 +0100


As this subject has already been discussed in this list, here is is a
patch that I submitted to the libstdc++ maintainers.

The reason for it is to enable Octave to read text files produced by a
previous `save' that contain NaNs and Inf. Saving in binary should
present no problem.

Joao Cardoso, INESC  |  e-mail: address@hidden
R. Jose Falcao 110   |  tel:    + 351 2 2094345
4050 Porto, Portugal |  fax:    + 351 2 2008487
--- Begin Message --- Subject: Patch: `>>' can't read what `<<' produced: NaNs and Inf Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 05:54:02 +0100

I enclose a diff against a clean egcs-1.1.2/libio/iovfscanf.c and a test
file to show the patch effect. The patch applies also cleanly to
libstdc++-2.90.4, but I have not tested it with that distribution.

Implementing the changes at this level will affect all derived classes.
I have relinked some C++ applications with the newly created lib and
they work OK.

The decision to implement the changes only at iovfscanf.c and not also
at floatconv.c, _IO_strtod(), was due to a conditional compilation at
iovfscanf.c that could imply that in some platforms the system atof()
would be used, with no warranty that it would be able to read inf/nan's.
This makes the patch a bit ugly.

The test case,, should produce the following output:

1. -INF +INF    INF
   -Infinity    Infinity        Infinity
2. -Inf +Inf    Inf
   -Infinity    Infinity        Infinity
3. -inf +inf    inf
   -Infinity    Infinity        Infinity
4. -infI        +iNfiN  iNfInity
   -Infinity    Infinity        Infinity
5. -nan +nan    nan
   -NaN -NaN    -NaN
6. -NaN +NaN    NaN
   -NaN -NaN    -NaN
7. -NAN +NAN    NAN
   -NaN -NaN    -NaN
8. -NAN(0x123123)       +NaN(0x5464)    nan(0x34)
   -NaN -NaN    -NaN
9. -121.12      NaN     +3123.4 Inf     0.232
   -121.12      -NaN    3123.4  Infinity        0.232

If you have any problem with the patch, please contact me or
<address@hidden>, the real code writer.

Hopping that this will be accepted,


Joao Cardoso, INESC  |  e-mail: address@hidden
R. Jose Falcao 110   |  tel:    + 351 2 2094345
4050 Porto, Portugal |  fax:    + 351 2 2008487
#include <strstream.h>
#include <ieeefp.h>

    double x=1./0., y=0./0.;
        double  a=0.1, b=0.1, d=0.1, e=0.1, f=0.1, g=0.1, h=0.1, j=0.1;
    char c, buf[100];

    ostrstream os(buf,100);
    istrstream is(buf,100);

    os << "-INF\t" << "+INF\t" << "INF" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (finite(a) || finite(b) || finite(d))
                cout << "1- Error\n";
        cout << "1. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-Inf\t" << "+Inf\t" << "Inf" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (finite(a) || finite(b) || finite(d))
                cout << "2- Error\n";
        cout << "2. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-inf\t" << "+inf\t" << "inf" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (finite(a) || finite(b) || finite(d))
                cout << "3- Error\n";
        cout << "3. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-infI\t" << "+iNfiN\t" << "iNfInity" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (finite(a) || finite(b) || finite(d))
                cout << "4- Error\n";   
        cout << "4. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-nan\t" << "+nan\t" << "nan" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (!isnand(a) || !isnand(b) || !isnand(d))
                cout << "5- Error\n";   
        cout << "5. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';


    os << "-NaN\t" << "+NaN\t" << "NaN" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (!isnand(a) || !isnand(b) || !isnand(d))
                cout << "6- Error\n";                   
        cout << "6. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-NAN\t" << "+NAN\t" << "NAN" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (!isnand(a) || !isnand(b) || !isnand(d))
                cout << "7- Error\n";                           
        cout << "7. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';


    os << "-NAN(0x123123)\t" << "+NaN(0x5464)\t" << "nan(0x34)" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c;
        if (!isnand(a) || !isnand(b) || !isnand(d))
                cout << "8- Error\n";                                   
        cout << "8. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << '\n';

    os << "-121.12\t" << "NaN\t" << "+3123.4\t" << "Inf\t" << "0.232" << '\0';
        is >> a >> c  >> b >> c  >> d >> c >> e >> c >> f;
        if (a != -121.12 || !isnand(b) || d != 3123.4 || finite(e) || f != 
                cout << "9- Error\n";                                           
        cout << "9. " << buf << "\n   " << a << "\t" << b << "\t" << d << "\t" 
<< e << "\t" << f <<'\n';

***     Sat Apr 10 04:10:34 1999
--- iovfscanf.c Sat Apr 10 05:03:34 1999
*** 81,86 ****
--- 81,88 ----
   * SIGNOK, NDIGITS, DPTOK, and EXPOK are for floating point;
   * SIGNOK, NDIGITS, PFXOK, and NZDIGITS are for integral.
+ #define       NNAN            0x02
+ #define       NINF            0x04
  #define       SIGNOK          0x40    /* +/- is (still) legal */
  #define       NDIGITS         0x80    /* no digits detected */
*** 627,632 ****
--- 629,641 ----
                                                goto fok;
+                               case 'n': case 'N': case 'i': case 'I':
+                                       flags|=NNAN;
+                               case 'f': case 't': case 'y': case 'a':
+                               case 'F': case 'T': case 'Y': case 'A':
+                               case 'x': case 'X': case '(': case ')':
+                                       if(flags&NNAN)
+                                               goto fok;
*** 637,642 ****
--- 646,659 ----
                                    break;      /* EOF */
+                       if (flags & NNAN) {
+                               flags|=NDIGITS|EXPOK;
+                               if((flags & SIGNOK)==0)
+                                       if ((*buf!='+')&&(*buf!='-'))
+                                               flags|=SIGNOK;
+                       }
                         * If no digits, might be missing exponent digits
                         * (just give back the exponent) or might be missing
*** 644,654 ****
                        if (flags & NDIGITS) {
                                if (flags & EXPOK) {
!                                       /* no digits at all */
!                                       while (p > buf)
                                            _IO_ungetc (*(u_char *)--p, fp);
!                                       goto match_failure;
!                               }
                                /* just a bad exponent (e and maybe sign) */
                                c = *(u_char *)--p;
                                if (c != 'e' && c != 'E') {
--- 661,706 ----
                        if (flags & NDIGITS) {
                                if (flags & EXPOK) {
!                                           int sign;
!                                           double res;
!                                           char *s;
!                                           sign=1;
!                                           s=buf;
!                                           flags&=~(NINF|NNAN);
!                                           if((flags & SIGNOK)==0)
!                                               sign= (*s++=='-')? -1: 1;
!                                           if(*s=='I'||*s=='i') {
!                                               ++s;
!                                               if(*s=='N'||*s=='n') {
!                                                   ++s;
!                                                   if(*s=='F'||*s=='f')
!                                                       flags|=NINF;
!                                               }
!                                           }
!                                           else if(*s=='N'||*s=='n') {
!                                               ++s;
!                                               if(*s=='A'||*s=='a') {
!                                                      ++s;
!                                                      if(*s=='N'||*s=='n')
!                                                          flags|=NNAN;
!                                               }
!                                          }
!                                          if (flags&(NINF|NNAN)) {
!                                               nassigned++;
!                                               res= (double)sign*(((flags & 
!                                               if (flags & LONG)
!                                                       *va_arg(ap, double *) = 
!                                               else
!                                                       *va_arg(ap, float *) = 
!                                               break;
!                                         }
!                                         /* no digits at all */
!                                         while (p > buf)
                                            _IO_ungetc (*(u_char *)--p, fp);
!                                         goto match_failure;
!                                       }
                                /* just a bad exponent (e and maybe sign) */
                                c = *(u_char *)--p;
                                if (c != 'e' && c != 'E') {

--- End Message ---

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