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Re: Suggest to add more math functions like 'cbrt'

From: heberf
Subject: Re: Suggest to add more math functions like 'cbrt'
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 10:47:56 -0600 (CST)


If these functions are included whith gcc/c++ then it would be trivial to write 
a dynamically linked function (a .oct file) which does them.  Why don't you try 
it and if it works then post the code?  You don't have to mess with the octave 
sources at all.  Adding dynamically linked functions can be done at any time.  
If you've never written one then just read the octave manual under dynamically 
linked functions.  You owe it to yourself to learn to do this anyway.  You can 
speed up a lot of things by writing them this way rather than as m-files.

Heber Farnsworth

> Hello,
> excuse me if this is not the correct list to do suggestions.
> It is not clear to me to send them here or in 'octave-sources'.
> I want to suggest to add more function interfaces to 'octave'.
> Like some other basic math functions -- f.e. 'sqrt' -- these functions
> are part of the most math libraries of a C/C++ compiler.
> 1) 'cbrt'
>    advantage:  the cube root is then calculated fast.
> 2) 'hypot'
>    advantage: calculates 'sqrt(a^2+b^2)' with respect to overflow
> Maybe there are other candidates too.
> Bye
> Thomas
> -- 
> "Beweiss" fuer die These: 'Alle ungeraden Zahlen sind prim.'
> 3, 5, 7, 11, alle sind ungerade und prim.
> 9 ist ist ein irrelevanter Messfehler.
> ==> Bingo!  8-))))))
> ----------------------------------------------
> Dipl. Phys. Thomas Walter
> Inst. f. Physiklische Chemie II
> Egerlandstr. 3                                Tel.: ++9131-85 27326 / 27330
> 91058 Erlangen, Germany                       email: 

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