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Re: is octave compatible with matlab 5.2?

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Re: is octave compatible with matlab 5.2?
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:20:35 -0600

Thanks for writing the clarification; I was being brief (a.k.a. lazy).

>>The bleeding edge releases additionally
>>handle 1-d list data structures.  
>Not sure what you mean by that; they're real lists and they can
>contain lists.  So this works:
>foo=list([1,2], list([3,4]))
>But lists *are* bleeding edge; so far, I haven't found a way to get
>stuff out of lists. :-(  so foo(2) in the above doesn't return a
>list of one item.  Neither does foo(2)(1).

The "nth" function is what you're looking for (returns the nth element in a 
JWE and exchanged a bunch of email on how to handle this.  

    x=1:3; foo(x)         returns a list
    x = 1; foo(x)
Should this be a list of a singleton?  For consistency, we decided
    on a list of length 1; use the nth function to get the singleton.

octave:1> foo=list([1,2], list([3,4]))
foo =
  [1] =

    1  2

  [2] =
    [1] =

      3  4

octave:2> foo(2)
ans =
  [1] =
    [1] =

      3  4

octave:3> nth(foo,2)
ans =
  [1] =

    3  4

octave:4> nth(nth(foo,2),1)
ans =

  3  4

A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (256) 544-1426
Address until 15 Mar 2000:Mail Code ED-13, MSFC, Alabama, 35812

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