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setting ranges on plot with multiple axis

From: David Larom
Subject: setting ranges on plot with multiple axis
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 1999 13:46:37 -0800

I tried the following from a 14-Apr-1998 posting Steven Harp entitled "plot
with multiple axis" and it works fine:

gset ytics nomirror
gset y2tics 
gplot x, x*x axis x1y2

Now I modified the above for control of both axes and it works great in
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics 
plot [:][-15:15][:][-10:110] x, x*x axes x1y2

but not in octave:
gset ytics nomirror
gset y2tics 
gplot [:][-15:15][:][-10:110] x, x*x axes x1y2

generates the message 

parse error:
>>> gplot [:][-15:15][:][-10:110] x, x*x axes x1y2

Can this be fixed?

Dave Larom

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