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About $ contributons

From: Karim Elaagouby
Subject: About $ contributons
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 1999 15:32:11 -0800

"John W. Eaton" wrote:

> On  4-Mar-1999, address@hidden
<address@hidden> wrote:
> | I agree that there is a need to lighten jwe's load
> | w.r.t. to development.  Having a cvs tree would be
> | very helpful.
> One thing that would help a lot would be a relatively small amount
> of funding to make more of my time available for working on Octave
> instead of other projects.

   It took me a while to realize that one person only, John Eaton,
was working on the development and maintenance of
octave. Not only the code is really good, but I am always
impressed how fast he responds to people's questions,
and fix their problems...
I have seen the call for funding on the web page
and thought (as others  did, I am sure), that Octave is looking
for heavy duty sponsors. I am not in a position to decide
for my company which project to sponsor. And I think most
of Octave's users are in the same position. It just seems that
small number crunchers are either teachers or students,
as oposed to big number crunchers (aerospace, CAD etc. )
who own their own software.

Anyway, what I want to say is that if Octave can't get a big sponsor
it still can get small contributions from satisfied users.
Many users making a small contribution is as good or even
better than a big sponsor...

We are all glad that Octave exists. It saves us all big $
compared to the cheapest version of Matlab.

How about making a contribution to an Octave fund,
anyone can make a donation: anything from $1 : $inf

John, where do I send a check.

Karim Elaagouby

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