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Using Octave functions outside the octave environment

From: Michael Preminger
Subject: Using Octave functions outside the octave environment
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 15:17:14 +0000


Is there a possiblity to link some "octave library" to your stand alone
C or Perl program, so that you can use Octave computing facilities (like
vector and matrix operation) outside the octave environment?

Michael Preminger

Forsker / Research Scientist
Avdeling for journalistikk,
bibliotek- og informasjonsfag /
Faculty of Journalism, Library and
Information Science
Høgskolen i Oslo / Oslo College

Pilestredet 52, N-0167 Oslo
Voice: +47-22452778
Fax:   +47-22452605
E-mail: address@hidden

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