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Re: fit data - trendline through zero

From: heberf
Subject: Re: fit data - trendline through zero
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:29:34 -0600 (CST)

Polyfit just does a regression of Y on a constant, X, X^2, X^3 and so on up to 
the order of the polynomial you are interested in.  To set the intercept to 
you need to create some new variables.

        y = Y - mean(Y);
        x = X - mean(X);
        x2 = X.^2 - mean(X.^2);

Put the x, x2, x3 etc into a matrix Z.  The values of the line you want will be

        f = Z*inv(Z'*Z)*Z'y;

Now a simple


will give the plot you want.  This is a true least squares fit.  In fact the 
slope coefficient on xn will be the same as the slope coefficient on X^n in the 
original data.  The only thing that has changed is that the intercept is zero.

Heber Farnsworth.

> I use polyfit to find the trendline in my data. How can I force it to go
> through zero ?
> Thanks
>   Marcel
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Marcel Meissel
> Polymer Processing Laboratory
> Department of Mechanical Engineering
> University of Maryland
> College Park, MD 20742
> (301)-405-2119
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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