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Feature request: optional arguments

From: Joao Cardoso
Subject: Feature request: optional arguments
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 19:29:21 +0000


Whenever a script function has several optional arguments it's a pain to
write the script function and use it.

Suppose that I want to have a function

        foo (x,y,z)

where *any* argument can be optional! If some argument is not specified,
than a default would be supplied. The usual approach would be to
consider some magic number to mean "use the default"; one could use "0",


would mean: use default value for x and y, and use "123" for z.
Of course every function must have its own magic number for defaults, as
"0" can be meaningful for some functions.

What I propose is that Octave parser accepts missing argument as valid,
but do not assign it: for example:


would set z=123 and let x and y undefined. Then in the script file one
would just check for the existence of each argument:

        if (!exist("x"))

without having to check for the multiple occurrence/combination of
arguments: each one would be checked individually.

Of course, one could also specify the defaults in the function

        function o = foo(x=11, y=22, z=33)

but to be useful it should allow *any* missing argument, not as in C++.

But this is ask too much, I think that the first approach is enough, and
it still keeps compatibility with existing script files.

As a concrete example, think in the script function "axis", and that you
want to keep all axis in autoscaling mode *except*, say, ymin and ymax.


Joao Cardoso                |   e-mail: address@hidden
INESC, R. Jose Falcao 110   |   tel:    + 351 2 2094322
4050 Porto, Portugal        |   fax:    + 351 2 2008487

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