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still 4 pages in one ps

From: Daniel Heiserer
Subject: still 4 pages in one ps
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 18:59:48 +0200

i am concerned about too many pictures in one picture again (if
I am using 
Octave, version 2.0.11 (mips-sgi-irix6.2)

I know that there were some postings here about that problem.
I tried first to 'gset output "/dev/null"' for all operations like
multiplotting, title, label, .... . (like it was posted some time ago)
After finished I 'gset output "myfile";replot' and quit octave.
Unfortunately there are still 4 pages in "myfile".
1. is empty
2. contains the plot
3. is empty again
4. contains the plot again

I absolutely don't want to run a f.... script again over my ps to filter
that crap.
Unfortunately I am not able to build octave again (currently).
Is that bug still in the current release (where and how can it be fixed)
or is already fixed in the current release.
As far as I've seen, the stuff is also in the #.pbm format.

Thanks for your help

have a nice day


Mit freundlichen Gruessen
                                 Daniel Heiserer
Daniel Heiserer, BMW AG, Knorrstrasse 147, 80788 Muenchen
Abteilung EK-20
Tel.: 089-382-21187, Fax.: 089-382-42820

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