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Compiling problem with Octave-2.0.13 on Solaris2.5

From: Emanuele
Subject: Compiling problem with Octave-2.0.13 on Solaris2.5
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 12:34:07 +0100

I have i 'little' problem building binaries on solaris2.5

with 'configure' I get  only a warning concerning DejaGNU for 'make

but when I type 'make install'  I get :

make -f octMakefile install
make: Fatal error in reader: ./Makeconf, line 71: Unespected end of
line seen
Current working directory /home/filoluce/octave-2.0.13
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command faile for target 'install'

and installation abort.

How I can solve the problem ?

Best regards,

P.S. This perhaps is a duplicate of my first mail but  my system is
crashed while sending mail so ' Repetita iuvant '

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