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Re: Disturbance Responce for a simple control system

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Re: Disturbance Responce for a simple control system
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 07:49:51 -0500

Same example with negative feedback from the output:

G = tf2sys(1,[1 1],0,"plant input","plant output");
K = tf2sys([1 1],[1 0],0,"contr input","contr output");
sum = ss2sys([],[],[],[1, -1],0,0,0,[],str2mat("a(+)","b(-)"),"a-b");
K = sysmult(K,sum);   # series connection of summing junction and controller
gk = sysgroup(G,K);
gk = sysconnect(gk,[2 1],[1 3]);
T_out_dist = sysprune(gk,1,1);    # keep plant output, plant input

A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (256) 544-1426

>From: "Hiroshi Shinozawa" <address@hidden>
>To: <address@hidden>
>Subject: Disturbance Responce for a simple control system
>Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 13:47:54 +0900

>I think about the following Feedback Loop
>DISTURBANCE -----------------------
>                                   | 
>STEP INPUT --->O---->|Controller|--O--|Process|--O---> OUTPUT
>               |                                 |
>               -----------------------------------
>I know Step Input Responce is easily calculated by OCST 
>"step" function.
>But I don't know how to calculate the Step Disturbance
>I use "lsode" function to simulate a step disturbance
>responce as well as a step input reponce.
>I am searching a simple function like OCST "step" to 
>simulate step disturbance respponce.
>Advise me please. 
>YHC TC Phone 731-22535

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