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Re: close a figure

From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: Re: close a figure
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 11:34:12 -0500

figure(n) is a call to gset term x11 ... with appropriate parameters
    (it's a short m-file, take a look).

closeplot is the function you want.  Unfortunately, it appears to
close all windows. I briefly skimmed the gnuplot on-line help.
The only way I see to kill an individual window is to press 'q'
while that window is in focus.  (gnuplot command).  

gnuplot wizards may be able to offer more helpful advice.

A S Hodel Assoc. Prof. Dept Elect Eng, Auburn Univ,AL  36849-5201
On leave at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (205) 544-1426

>From: Daniel Heiserer <address@hidden>
>To: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
>Subject: close a figure
>Date: Wed, Aug 19, 1998, 10:47 AM

>I am looking for a "clf" which clears the plot in matlab and also a
>"close" which closes the  plotting window. Is there an equivalent in
>Does the "figure(j)" work to get the handle on the right figure?
>If yes, what version of gnuplot do I need?
>Mit freundlichen Gruessen
>                                 Daniel Heiserer
>Daniel Heiserer, BMW AG, Knorrstrasse 147, 80788 Muenchen
>Abteilung EK-20
>Tel.: 089-382-21187, Fax.: 089-382-42820

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