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Re: How to quad("sin(a*sin(x))*sin(x)",0,pi/2)?

From: Vinayak Dutt
Subject: Re: How to quad("sin(a*sin(x))*sin(x)",0,pi/2)?
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 07:49:41 CST

Francesco Potorti wrote:
# I found the following in the matlab archives, form the
# contribution/integration directory or some like that, if I am not
# wrong.  They should be public domain.  I also have the sources.
# ===================================================================
# Index for integration
# ===================================================================
# nit: <directory>
# ===================================================================
#  Numerical Integration Toolbox
#  MATLAB Toolbox for 1-D, 2-D, and n-D Numerical Integration
#  The original 1-D routines were obtained from NETLIB and were 
#  written by
#           Howard Wilson
#           Department of Engineering Mechanics
#           University of Alabama
#           Box 870278
#           Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487-0278
#           Phone 205 348-1617
#           Email address: HWILSON @ UA1VM.UA.EDU
#  The rest of the routines were written by
#           Bryce Gardner
#           Ray W. Herrick Laboratories
#           Purdue University
#           West Lafayette, IN 47906
#           Phone: 317-494-0231
#           Fax:  317-494-0787
#           Email:  address@hidden
#  These are the general purpose integration routines: 
#         quadg.m      -- High accuracy replacement for QUAD and QUAD8 (1-D)
#         quad2dg.m    -- 2-D integration over a rectangular region
#         quad2dggen.m -- 2-D integration over a general region
#         quadndg.m    -- n-D integration over a n-D hyper-rectangular region

I had fixed these routines sometime back (to work well in Octave) and have used 
them myself
and found them quite useful. Gaussian Quadrature works a lot faster too :-)

I had checked with Gardner some time back and he did not have any problems if 
ftp sites kept his software.

If anyone is interested, I can mail the fixed version of that MATLAB package.

 * vinayak dutt
 * ex-graduate student, ultrasound research
 * mayo graduate school, rochester mn
 * e-mail: address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
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