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Re: Interaction with gnuplot

From: Vinayak Dutt
Subject: Re: Interaction with gnuplot
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95 15:58:45 CDT

# I have used the following technique to setup gnuplot from within 
# octave functions.
# tstring = sprintf("set title \"%s\" ",title);
# eval(tstring);
# This works, but I can't set the number format for the axies becuase
# sprintf won't handle \% and you would need:
# tstring = sprintf("set format x \%.2e");


tstring = sprintf("set format '%%.2e'");

 * vinayak dutt
 * ex-graduate student, ultrasound research
 * mayo graduate school, rochester mn
 * e-mail: address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
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