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newuser quad question

From: Jim Craven
Subject: newuser quad question
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 14:55:03 -0400

Hello there octave users.  Octave is proving quite good but as I delve
into the quad function I find myself floundering a bit and in need of
wise counsel :-).

I looked at the texinfo documentation on 'quad' and find it mentions
the function 'quad_options' a number of times.  Alas, I can't seem to
track down the documentation for that function.

My problem (that is causing me to seek more info on the quadrature
functions) is that my function is dependent on a variable only over a
narrow, but unpredictable, range of values.  The default quad function
when used to integrate (from a range of values 0 to inf for that
variable) ends up with a value of zero, even though the function is
non-zero within that range.

Thanks for any help, please reply directly to me (address@hidden) as
I am not a member of this list and have only just sent my request in.

We shall not cease from exploration and |Jim Craven (address@hidden)
the end of all our exploring will be to |Seismology & Electromagnetism
arrive where we started and know the    |Geological Survey of Canada
place for the first time.  T.S. Eliot   |Ottawa Canada K1A 0Y3

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