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Re: Polar plots Matlab vs Octave/Gnuplot?

From: Ian MacPhedran
Subject: Re: Polar plots Matlab vs Octave/Gnuplot?
Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 16:32:39 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 2 May 1995, John Eaton wrote:

> There is no way to control the aspect ratio of plots made with
> gnuplot, so you probably won't have much luck getting a circle.

The next version of gnuplot will allow you to create a "square" plotting 
area, (this varies with the driver, so it might not work on all drivers). 
With this circles are possible.

> I also don't know if you can make it draw a polar grid for you (unless
> you want to specify all of the grid lines yourself).

That might be the only way. Gnuplot is primarily cartesian in thinking, 
so its concept of grids is rectangular. It is fairly straightforward to 
draw the circles and radiating lines in parametric mode to generate a 
polar grid.

Ian MacPhedran,    Engineering Computer Centre,   2B13 Engineering Building,
University of Saskatchewan,  57 Campus Drive,  Saskatoon SK  S7N 5A9, CANADA
Phone: (306)966-4832 Fax: (306)966-8710  Email: address@hidden

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