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octave 1.1 on SunOS 4.1.3

From: Vinayak Dutt
Subject: octave 1.1 on SunOS 4.1.3
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 95 09:23:36 CST

Hi Octave users:

 I had written earlier about the problems of compiling octave 1.1
on SunOS 4.1.3 with gcc-2.6.0 and Sun F77 2.0.1. 

 I thought I had fixed compile problems by adding 
/usr/lang/SC2.0.1/values-Xs.o (/usr/lang is the directory where
SparcCompilers are installed). It removed the undefined __lib_version
symbol problem. But now I get problems with loading some library
functions when octave is run. For example, when I run function
image() in octave, I get following error message:

octave:1> image()
error: failed to link library /usr/lang/SC2.0.1/values-Xs.o
error: unable to load builtin function rand
error: evaluating expression near line 45, column 32
error: evaluating binary operator `*' near line 45, column 32
error: evaluating argument list element number 0
error: evaluating index expression near line 45, column 26
error: evaluating argument list element number 0
error: evaluating index expression near line 45, column 21
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 45, column 11
error: called from `image' in file 

 So the fix is causing some other problems. I appears to me that
the link editor job to finally obtain the octave binary from the
objects should be done by the Fortran compiler rather than c++ compiler.
But I have no idea how to modify the configuration script to achieve
that. If any other user has a fix for this SunOS problem, then please
post it to this mailing list.


 * vinayak dutt
 * graduate student, ultrasound research
 * mayo graduate school, rochester mn
 * e-mail: address@hidden
 *         address@hidden
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