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virtual memory failure

From: Roberts Anthony
Subject: virtual memory failure
Date: Mon, 26 Sep 1994 16:22:54 +0000 (WET)

Hi all,
        on running some largish problems with octave on a sun, I find it
crashes catastrophically with a virtual memory failure in 'new'.  Any
ideas on how to get around this? 

I thought at first that it was the lack of grabage collection because it
would happen after a sequence of about 20 or so 360x360 singular value
decompositions (SVD).  However, it happens immediately after just one
640x640 SVD (plus a heap of smaller though substantial subsiduary
computaion).  Unfortunately, I really need to do these 640x640 problems
and almost certainly need to solve ones twice as big again.  Any

On a different matter, I would also like to solve some really big problems
using octave on an IBM SP2 MIMD supercomputer.  Has anyone got any advice
on porting octave? 
                                     Tony      :-{)}
Professor A.J. Roberts     Currently visiting: Institut Non Lineaire de Nice 
Dept of Mathematics & Computing      E-mail: address@hidden
University of Southern Queensland    Phone:  (076) 312943
Toowoomba, Queensland 4350           Fax:    (076) 312721
AUSTRALIA                            WWW:

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