cloak lined with blood-red...
Early in the morning on the fourteenth of the spring month of Nisan the
Procurator of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, in a white cloak lined with blood-red,
emerged with his shuffling cavalryman's walk into the arcade connecting the
two wings of the palace of Herod the Great.
More than anything else in the world the Procurator hated the smell of
attar of roses. The omens for the day were bad, as this scent had been
haunting him since dawn.
It seemed to the Procurator that the very cypresses and palms in the
garden were exuding the smell of roses, that this damned stench of roses was
even mingling with the smell of leather tackle and sweat from his mounted
A haze of smoke was drifting towards the arcade across the upper
courtyard of the garden, coming from the wing at the rear of the palace, the
quarters of the first cohort of the XII Legion ; known as the ' Lightning',
it had been stationed in Jerusalem since the Procurator's arrival. The same
oily perfume of roses was mixed with the acrid smoke that showed that the
centuries' cooks had started to prepare breakfast.
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