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the cursor is sometimes invisible in leading whitespace

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: the cursor is sometimes invisible in leading whitespace
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2020 15:57:03 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0

Op 11-10-2020 om 02:01 schreef Marcus Rhodes:
> Sorry for e-mailing you directly again, but I can't find a better way to 
> report a
> bug on the web-site.

You were on and you didn't see "Contact"?  Clicking it
would have brought you to, where the first
link is: "Bug Reports" -- .

Please do not send me email.  In order to post to any of the GNU mailing lists
you do not need to be subscribed.  It will take a few hours, but your mail will
get through.  Also, please use a relevant subject line (which I supplied here).

> Once again, praise for you work.  But, there is one issue complicating my use 
> of
> nano, and that is that the cursor can vanish, usually when in leading 
> whitespace,
> depending on the colors the syntax-highlighting is using at that location.

Can you give an example?  A specific file and syntax where you see the issue?
Does the cursor actually vanish?  Or does it just become hard to spot because
it is dark blue?

What terminal are you seeing this on?  I'm guessing on a Linux console (a VT),
because there the cursor will take on the color of the character's foreground
color.  Or are you seeing it on other terminals too?

> So,
> I'd like to request adding the ability to specify colors for the cursor to 
> always
> use no matter where it is in the document, or what syntax-highlighting is in 
> use.

I am not aware of any curses function or other function that allows to control
the color of the cursor.  If you know of any, please share your knowledge.

> Thanks for you patience, and thanks again for making nano so great.


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