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Re: help on simple makefile

From: J.T. Conklin
Subject: Re: help on simple makefile
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2017 14:44:40 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

"address@hidden" <address@hidden> writes:
> Could you please help me on translate on working  example.
> What I want to obtain is execute the python script on file present on
> my folder and output on RESHAPE2.  thanks in advance for any help

How about something like this:

        INFILES:=$(wildcard $(INDIR)/*.txt)
        OUTFILES=$(patsubst $(INDIR)/%.txt,$(OUTDIR)/%.xls,$(INFILES))

        $(OUTDIR)/%.xls: $(INDIR)/%.txt
                $(SCRIPT) -i $^ -o $@

        all: $(OUTFILES)

This creates a pattern rule to convrert your *.txt files to *.xls, and
then makes all the output *.xls files a prerequisite of "all".

Some advantages of this approach (compared with your attempt that used a
shell loop) is that multiple script invocations can be done in parallel
(using GNU make's -j flag). And that each conversion will only be done
if the corresponding *.txt file is updated (as there is now a dependency
relationship between the *.xls and *.txt files).


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