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Multiple instance of target but with potentially different dependencies

From: Koehler, Yannick (HP Networking)
Subject: Multiple instance of target but with potentially different dependencies
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 16:25:04 +0000


  I am looking for advance make usage help, we are building a software based on 
a set of modules.  The same modules exist in many variance of our product and 
we use a single make to build all variances.  So for example we have a linux 
and windows platform and both need the module A and module B.  And module B 
depends on module A.

               moduleB: moduleA

  Since we have these modules for each platform it looks like this:

               platformA: platformA.moduleA platformA.moduleB
               platformB: platformB.moduleA platformB.moduleB

               platformA.moduleB: platformA.moduleA
               platformB.moduleB: platformB.moduleA

Since the module dependency isn't tie to the platform, but tie to the module, 
we built a script to generate the make on the fly for the module dependency:

               $(platform).moduleA: $(platform).moduleB

This in turn works fine but we are now dependent on bash to generate the 
makefile.  Also, we have more platform than what is being describe here, and we 
now are starting to get platform that do not have the same module and therefore 
the module dependency is getting complex to manage.  For example let's say that 
moduleB doesn't exists in platformB, and it does on platformA, and on platformA 
the moduleB is still dependent on platformA.moduleA we then have to manually 
specify the rules:

               platformA: platformA.moduleA platformA.moduleB
               platformB: platformB.moduleA

               platformA.moduleB: platformA.moduleA

And we do not benefit anymore from our bash script.  Considering the amount of 
platform and modules this is tedious and I was looking for an alternative way 
to specify those complex relation without depending on bash for example.

You could also see platformA as platformTypeA, platformTypeB where

               platformA: platformTypeA platformTypeB
               platformB: platformTypeB

               platformTypeA: platformA.moduleA platformA.moduleB
               platformTypeB: platformB.moduleA

Then basically I want to express that moduleB depends on moduleA, only when the 
platformTypeA is involved, in the case of platformTypeB, the same moduleB has 
no dependency over moduleA.  This platformtype specific dependency are known 
inside the module, so the moduleB's makefile know to not link with moduleA when 
on platformTypeB.

The approach I took may be totally wrong, so I am open to creative suggestions. 
 We did think about always putting the dependency in there and simply do 
nothing at compile time inside moduleA for platformTypeB but that was not 
intuitive when creating new module the developer need to be teach about this 
and it also doesn't provide a clear dependency graph, we also then end-up 
having 2 locations for managing dependency, one for satisfying Makefile syntax 
and behavior and another one to go around it.

Yannick Koehler

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